DIY and Tips

The Ultimate Bug Blend

You know you’re a mosquito magnet when other people use you as their insect repellent. That would be me. One summer, an Independence Day gathering, I was standing outside waiting for the fireworks so start when I announced that I was being eaten alive and would enjoy the show from indoors. “I’m not getting bitten […]

7 Reasons to DIY with Essential Oils

DIY is a pretty hot topic these days with search engines returning over 27 million results. I don’t really have the mental space or time resources right now to make a new headboard or upcycle our Foosball table, but I do have a couple quick minutes here and there to throw together a sugar scrub […]

DIY Sunscreen

One could go crazy bouncing between the sunscreen-all-year-round-anytime-you-go-out-of-doors camp and the we-need-more-vitamin-D-in-our-lives-and-sunscreen-is-in-the-way camp. I haven’t really given much thought to it because I’m really not together enough to sunscreen my kids religiously–or even semi-regularly. I do know, however, that when I decide we need sunscreen I want one with minimal to no toxins. The last […]