You know that time when you repainted the living room with a paint sprayer and then had to repaint a bunch of other things because paint sprayers don’t obey the best laid plans of tape and plastic? Kind of like Winter didn’t get the memo about Spring being here? And then you were hosting 20...
Category: Favorite Things
{Favorite Things} Save money on gas
Despite the NBC Sports app, I didn’t watch nearly enough Olympics. However, I did catch some mass start speed skating. It was complicated yet edgy. Sorry. Couldn’t resist. This weekend we’re in for an entire 3 days of sustained winds in the 30-50 mph range with crazier gusts. Schools are closed. Bridges are closed. Trees...
{Favorite Things} more food, a book, and discounted gas
Okay, quick survey…who felt extra crazy on Tuesday and Wednesday during that blue, supermoon, eclipse situation? I had a friend tell me that it is all a crock, but I really need a good excuse for how bad of a parent I was during those two days. So this Friday’s favorites: Baking Bacon We (I...
{Favorite Things} The Core
Here in the mid-Atlantic, we’re definitely still in the doldrums of winter. In fact, I drafted this post on paper with ink because an ice storm had robbed us of power for what could have been days.* *It turned out to only be a chilly half day. However, I recently filed re-enrollment papers for the 2014-15 school...
Things I {Heart}: Lanolin
With the Mid-Atlantics’s weather finally realizing it’s winter, chapped lips are running rampant, and it’s only a matter of time before the bloody noses start. While I’m all for Blistex and Chapstick, nothing beats lanolin. It’s a greasy substance secreted by wool-producing animals. Yes, it’s the stuff us mamas use on sore, cracked nipples. That’s...
Bounce Bar
I love free stuff. Even if I don’t normally use whatever the free thing is. I might have a problem. Regardless, I was super-excited when I was chosen to receive a new Bounce Bar to try out. I was mostly excited that it came in unscented which meant I could actually try it out since...
Nothing to Wear A Scarf
If you know me in real life, you know I’m a pretty simple gal when it comes to clothes. I prefer to think of it as “classic” rather than “dated” when I realize I have clothes in my closet with a lifespan older than my kids. Being budget-minded makes it really hard to keep up...
Spring cleaning fun!
Ugghh. Why is my favorite season associated with the thing I hate most? It is beyond me why anyone would want to stay inside to clean after being cooped up all winter. It seems to me one should take advantage of the perfect-weather days of spring to do things like garden or learn how to...