Whether you’re headed to a parent-teacher conference or a formal IEP meeting for your child with ADHD, it can be intimidating to feel like it’s you against the rest of the team which may consist of teachers, administrators, guidance counselors, and specialists. [bctt tweet=”Here are 4 things I wish someone had told me when I...
Category: Education and Homeschooling
4 Simple Ways to Increase Self-Esteem in Students with Learning Differences
No one likes to fail. But kids with learning differences feel like they’re failing a lot. They always feel like they’re running to catch up with their same-aged peers. Over time, they’re self-esteem sinks lower and lower. I’m not proud to admit it, but I’m guilty of contributing to this feeling of failure with our...
60 Minute Interactive Seder for the Christian Family
If you’ve been hanging out with me for any length of time, you know we stink at holiday traditions. However, one Lenten season tradition that we’ve managed to keep up is celebrating a Seder meal together. Sometimes we can barely pull together just our family, and sometimes it’s quite the affair. This year we had...
Responding to Racism in Schools
Last week in a neighboring high school district in our county, students were disciplined for staging a photo where their spirit week Scrabble letters spelled out, “N****r.” [1] Obviously, this incident is restarting a conversation about racism in schools. According to a Change.org petition [2], the students were only suspended for 9 days. The outrage...
More Tips for Homeschooling a Student with FASD
If you didn’t read the first post about our current curriculum choices, read this post first. Also, it might be relevant to note that while I had our son who is fetal alcohol affected in mind while writing, these tips are also useful for students with other developmental disabilities and special needs. Go for exposure...
Homeschooling and FASD
Among other things (like the launch of the new unCorked podcast), September is apparently the month to increase awareness about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and other related diagnoses. It’s also the month that we start back to a more intentional homeschooling schedule. While these things may seem unrelated, they have significant overlap in our lives since...
Middle School Curriculum | Choices for a Classical Education
Our homeschool community, Bridges, is officially back at full swing. I’m excited to be the tutor for our Logic level program which is equivalent to 7 and 8 grade (middle school). We do both grades together with a 2-year curriculum that can be taken in any order. This is the stage where learning is driven by...
A Tale of 3 Learning Styles
The main philosophy of education we’re implementing in the education of our children is classical. In the first stage of learning, usually referred to as the grammar stage, students are gaining the facts and vocabulary needed to analyze a subject more deeply. We do this mainly through memory work. Sometimes when I chat with families, they...