{Classical Conversations} Cycle 1 | Week 22 and 23 Science

In addition to the specific resources for this week, we are also listening to Story of the World (SOTW) on CD, watching selected episodes of Drive Thru History, and keeping a cummulative timeline of things we learn in history. I am planning appropriate activities for Mia that are a little less complicated than last year and giving PJ freedom to research the topics on his own and come up with a way to show me he’s learned something. We do all of our memory work to song. If CC doesn’t provide a tune, we find one on CC Connected (well worth the subscription in my opinion).

Science: Weather

If you have younger kids, you may want to just introduce weather concepts over the next 2 weeks.  If you have older kids, feel free to explore extreme weather…tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.

You can also check out the Atmosphere Resources from Week 20 . The majority of resources below are experiment books.  Have fun!

This is by no means a complete list but resources we will most likely use. As I come across other helpful resources, I will leave notes in the comment section below so be sure to check back as the week gets closer. Also, feel free to leave a comment with any of your suggested resources.

Cycle 1 Outline
All Classical Conversations Posts

Cycle 1 Lapbooks for Memory Work

+ older elementary
younger elementary
V for the visual learner
A for the auditory learner
K for the kinesthetic learner

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