10 Years

So 10 years ago, today, on a cloudless, perfect day, all 18 members of our wedding party were getting ready.


A lot’s happened since then…

Year 1: We moved twice, added another member, got a dog, and attended 7 weddings.


Year 2: We found out we were going to be a family of 4 and edured the year of the cicada.


Year 3: We moved in my parents. I graduated. Mia was almost born in the waiting room at GBMC, and Patrick broke his leg.

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Year 4: Ty was born (unbeknownst to us).


Year 5: We moved again.


Year 6: We went to Florida twice. Once driving a bus with our family and 8 or so high school students and once flying with Patrick’s parents to see Mickey.


Year 7: We went to Korea to become a family of 5.

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Year 8: We were featured in a local magazine. Patrick started his own business, and we started an orphan care ministry.

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Year 9: We decided to adopt again. We started homeschooling.


Year 10: We bought a 15 passenger van and met the next 2 members of the family and will soon be a family of 7!

Happy Anniversary, Love!

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